Spring is just around the corner,bringing the promise of new blossoms, warmer days and longer hours of daylight.  Happy times are ahead for cyclists, runners, gardeners and those who simply enjoy the great outdoors. This is also a great time to clean up your yard and attend to ongoing exterior maintenance of your home. 

Yard Clean Up 

  • Remove Litter and Dead Materials.  During the stormy winter months, debris from trees including old leaves and fallen branches, dog feces and litter from adjacent properties can create an unkempt appearance on an otherwise well groomed yard.  Take advantage of the great weather, get outside for some fresh air and tackle that cleanup.  Before long, new growth and greenery will be appearing and it will make life easier to tackle this now.
  • Clean up any rock salt from sidewalks and driveways.  Ice melt or rock sold may have been helpful in the winter months when the snow was falling, however some of the products can cause damage to your lawn and greenery.  Be sure to clear off the deicing materials off your lawn, trees and shrubs, and add gypsum to the areas of lawn where salt from the sidewalk or driveway may have made contact.
  • Treat snow mold.  Although we typically don't see a lot of snow in the Comox Valley, there have been times when there is significant snowfall. This can result in snow mold, ultimately leading to damage on the lawn. A telltale sign is areas will be matted down, and a light white film that resembles angel's hair will leave a hint that mold has now started to formulate on the grass.  Use a leaf to remove the dead leaves and allow the lawn to recover.  
  • Spread organize mulch over perennial vegetable and fruit gardens;
  • Trim off broken and dead branches from trees/ shrubs.
  • Most plants are best pruned at the end of winter while they are dormant. Plant that bloom or blossom with fruit off of old wood. should be pruned in the spring after they produce.

Home Maintenance

  • Change furnace filters.  This should be done every 3 months. Even though you may choose to run the furnace minimally from this point forward, it's still a good idea to remove filters that may have accumulated dust and residue buildup over the winter.
  • Test carbon monoxide and smoke detectors to ensure they are working correctly. If necessary, replace the batteries or the detector. 
  • Vacuum out air registers to remove debris and dust.
  • Inspect crawlspace for water damage that may have occurred during stormy months, and look for signs that critters may have moved in during the colder months. 
  • Clean refrigerator coils. Instructions should be found in your refrigerator manual or manufacturer's website.
  • Inspect roofing for missing, loose or damage shingles.
  • Vacuum lint from dryer vent.
  • Power-wash windows and siding.
  • Remove leaves and debris from gutters, ensuring downspouts are clear.
  • Clean indoor windows, and check caulking to ensure that windows are sealed from the outside.

Do you routinely schedule maintenance for your home at the end of winter?  Please share your tips and ideas below. We'd love to hear from you!


Posted by Bryce Hansen on


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