Paintbrushes, hammers, screwdrivers and saws, all common tools that you might find in the garage of a homeowner.  Many homeowners thrive on tackling new projects, attending to repairs and planning renovations. For others, it is either not feasible or simply an unwanted task, yet the job needs to be done. Whether you are doing it yourself, or hiring a contractor, there are some renovations that will require a permit.

Comox Valley Home RenovationsGetting a permit in advance not only ensures that you stay in the "good books" with the authorities, it can be helpful when the time comes to sell your home. Consider it an investment in your real estate. Imagine if you spent your hard earned money building a wonderful second dwelling on your property for rental income, only to find out after you had started to build that the area zoning did not allow for it.  Ouch!  That would hurt much more than the time you missed your nail and hit your thumb with the hammer!

Building a new deck, adding electrical to an existing garage or shed, installing a new heat source or plumbing lines are examples of some of the many updates which may require a permit. Building codes and guidelines are in place to ensure safety - the number one priority.

Before you start that project, it's a good idea to check with your municipal or regional building department to find out if a permit is required. Allow adequate time for the permit to be issued, as well as inspections to be carried out.  Ask questions and find out at what phase of the project are YOU required to call for inspection. Depending on the project, the building inspector made need to come out at various stages to ensure compliance before heading to the next step. Getting a permit is one thing - making sure you follow through to get a final inspection is imperative.

Plan ahead, check with your local municipality or regional district, and don't be afraid to ask questions.  You can find links to Comox Valley area municipalities on our website - Click Here.




Posted by Bryce Hansen on


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