Winter Scene with Girl at HomeThinking of selling your Comox Valley home during the winter?  Perhaps you've found a new home that suits your needs, you have a winter job relocation, or maybe life circumstances have you moving in a new direction. Some people prefer to sell in summer, however there are advantages to also selling in the winter.  During a time when there is typically less inventory coming on the market, you may be able to put your home in the spotlight.  Just as much as you are contemplating a winter move, so are other buyers. Now is as good a time as any to put your best foot forward!  Here are some tips for how to showcase your home in the best light during winter months.  If you have any additional ideas, we welcome your input.  Please leave a comment below!

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On October 17, 2017 the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Canada  (OSFI) published the final version of Guideline B-20 - Residential Mortgage Underwriting Practices and Procedures.  This revised guideline will come into effect on January 1, 2018 and applies to all federally regulated financial institutions.

What does this mean for new buyers?  OSFI is setting a new minimumum qualifying rates, or "stress test" for uninsured mortgages.  As well, lenders will be required to enhance their loan-to-value measurement and limits. Dave Robertson, Mortgage Specialist with RBC has kindly taken the time to provide an overview of changes to come.  Be sure to watch our video shown below.  

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Come with us as we explore Goose Spit, in the beautiful Comox Valley. Goose Spit is a favorite spot for all age groups. Whether it is a night on the beach with your loved ones or hanging out with some friends, storm watching, kayaking, a stroll along the beach - you will be sure to enjoy the panoramic views.  If you could live near this beautiful waterfront location, what would be your favorite activity?  

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Comox Valley living can be described as peaceful, tranquil and for many it is a place to consider for retirement.  The good news is it doesn't stop there!  With so many abundant opportunities for business, sports and recreation, it is clear why so many young families consider this vibrant area as a first choice for relocation. An example of the fun that can be had is shared by our own Bryce Hansen, Realtor in this fun video shown below.  Do you have a favorite sport in the Comox Valley?  Please share below - we'd love to hear about it! 

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